Forums - The Never Ending Battle Against "cheap" Players in MvC2 Show all 54 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- The Never Ending Battle Against "cheap" Players in MvC2 ( Posted by saotomesword on 10:27:2001 03:24 AM: The Never Ending Battle Against "cheap" Players in MvC2 Obviously, anyone of u guys that play MvC2 in the arcade have met at least one person that is regarded as cheap. They do a bunch of stuff that needs no skill to win. Such in the case r infinites, chipping damage, power-teams, and maybe a Magneto on the run that does the same thing over and over again. Those r the only people that i have faced thus far, and i have constructed a rough guide as to how to deal with them. This is not necessarily the best guide that u will come across, but it's for starters. 1)Practically the rarest cheap player u will ever face is a chipping team. These players just rely on block damage and if u block, u will get heavy amounts of damage. Characters that r used r like Cyclops, Sentinel, and Storm. There r only the aggressive chippers, and the keep away chippers. To shut down an aggressive chipper, use characters that have quick varial counters and that u can connect to a hyper combo. Examples r Commando, Psylocke, and possibly Doom. To hit teams that do keep away, use characters that have fast-long reaching attacks or advances. Sentinel, Magneto, Cable, and Cammy r just a few. If get the opponent in the corner, keep them there and if possible, do a cornertrap. Iceman is also good at beating a chipping team in case u didnt know that he practically takes no block damage wutsoever. 2) Another rare but equally annoying team the players use r power teams. Power teams r teams that just rely on the triple and that it usually obliterates the opponent no matter if the damage is reduced or not. These teams usuall include characters like Cable, Iron Man, War Machine, BB Hood, u get the point. There is one incredible major weakness that this kind of team has. It needs the hyper combo gauge at lv.3 or more. So, the whole time the guy will be doing keep away and sending out supports. With this in mind, use characters that can really do some damage to the support. Characters like Storm, Cable, and Sentinel can really cut down the supporter's health. Usually the player will use a character that can connect a triple easily. Knock whoever it is out of the screen first. Deal with whoever is the slowest or has the hardest time connecting the triple first. After that, get the other character that has a hard time connecting their hyper combos. Afterwards, the character that can easily connect hyper combos should almost be dead. 3)Everybody knows Magneto. Fastest character, Hyper Grab to Magnetic Tempest combo. Technically, that's all hes about. He is usually paired up with characters like Psylocke. They always send out the anti-air assist and then dash up to u and try to launch u. They do that constantly. This is just to save Psylocke from getting a beatdown. Guess wut? It makes it worse. When Magneto tries to launch u, and u block, u can run up to him and smack him a couple of times. The kicker is that u will also sometimes get the supporter as well! If u got Cable, u can do lk,lk, hk, AHVB! Juggernaut can do lp,lp,Headcrush. Magneto can launch the other Magneto instead. The possibilities are endless. 4) Infinites. Oh, the infinites. Nothing sux more than getting beaten by a cheesy looking infinite. All i can say really, is to turtle up and do keep away. Servbot i have to say is the best at avoiding most infinites, but then again, it's hard to become an expert with him.Storm can get away from infinites easily as well as Sentinel, Magneto, and other people with flight mode and air dashes. AHVBs r very useful as well as constant supports with Blackheart and Commando. Mech-Zangief stops all infinites dead. Well, this concludes this mini-guide to beating cheapness. If u have any other kinds of cheap players, answer each others questions. Posted by Mulliggan on 10:27:2001 03:48 AM: haha this is a joke right cause u insulting so many people (not like it matters) well atleast every one i know that plays mvc2 and almost everyone that has played in a big tourney and not only that but most of this stuff dont even work use iceman against chippers, this is jes so funny cause the best chippers can chip iceman incase u didnt know that and if they cant chip him they have an assist that can mainly doom or sentinel so no iceman is not a good person to pick against "cheap" chippers haha sentinel against infinites, altho it may be hard to land a infinite on sent who is being used by a good player there is bout 2 pages worth of infinites that only work on sent haha oh man i wont even say anything about the magneto part Posted by MJG on 10:27:2001 03:53 AM: The Never Ending Battle Against "scrub" Players in MvC2 Posted by Ryo Hazuki on 10:27:2001 04:27 AM: thought this was gonna be a decent post, no wait no i didn't. you're a scrub. get some skill Posted by Ouroborus on 10:27:2001 04:34 AM: SCRUB! Posted by Mr. E on 10:27:2001 04:50 AM: first of all, this thread is inaccurate. I think all you said is fairly true, BUT, you forgot the 2 cheapest players of all. One is the B.O. guy. He uses offensive body emissions (pit stank, ass gas, etc.) to keep your attention away from the game. The absolute cheapest player is the guy who constantly pushes the "I win" button. Much like the Julien in "Big Daddy," he feels that pushing the "I win" button is the best way to win. Second of all, this thread does not belong in the Strategy and Tactics section. You should actually move it over to the "Scrubs and Whiners" section located at is for people who understand the purpose of traps, patterns, rushdowns, assist juggling, mind games, STRATEGY and TACTICS. is for peeps who like to whine about losing and about how good could be just as good as everyone else if they used "cheap" tactics too. Lastly, you can't beat cheapness. You may happen to beat some "cheap" players, but inevitably, another person will come along that can beat you, and they will automatically become cheap. After all, any tactic/strategy that beats yours is cheap, right? Posted by mixup on 10:27:2001 04:52 AM: If that is a personal joke, pretty funny. If you are honestly trying to make a point, you sound like a hypocrite. you bitch and moan about "cheap" players and then you recommend to use similar characters that the "cheap" player uses. Do you intend to avoid being cheap by using magneto any other way than rushing and countering with him{you recommend the use of him as a counter but what do you do with him}? or do you even really understand what a real magneto is playing his game on? are you serious? anyways, there is a reason everyone is saying scrub here... Posted by taiji on 10:27:2001 07:18 AM: I truly hope that was a joke... Posted by Mulliggan on 10:27:2001 07:21 AM: hey taiji who's dat chick on ur avatar shes hot, and ya i really hope that was a joke Posted by aquarake on 10:27:2001 08:02 AM: technically, he did go and explain stuff. so... it belongs here, but "cheap" dont belong anything besides button mashing takes skill and mashing out of magneto's tempest i cannot do. its friggin hard that takes skill if chipping is cheap, why isnt regular hitting? if u think chippin is cheap, either pick iceman or dont block. simple as that. powerhouse characters? you have got to be kidding. magneto trying to launch u and u block? 2 words: block stun. by the time u recover from block stun they prolly have time to block. but then they go and chip u to death right? ur screwed huh? infinites take skill. timing and setting up is everything. and even then, infinites arent all that INFINTE. u know if u do an infinite, after awhile, it will knock the person up high in the sky to discourage infinites. even THEN theres 3 characters. infintes are not surefire either. mecha zangief. although i dont use him, ive seen a good zangief in action and i will not bad mouth him. however the majority of the people cant use zangief, and unless its 1 on 1 battle (or for the sake of a semi-unstoppable assist), u should NOT turn into mecha zangief). mecha zangief = easy beam bait. Posted by Shinma_sama on 10:27:2001 03:59 PM: There's no such thing as cheap. Just Scrubs who complain about how much they suck. Posted by Cpt. America on 10:27:2001 04:15 PM: Its pretty bad when ever1 is calling you a scrub. SCRUB Posted by FecalPenance on 10:27:2001 04:41 PM: Re: The Never Ending Battle Against "cheap" Players in MvC2 quote: Originally posted by saotomesword Storm can get away from infinites easily as well as Sentinel, Magneto, and other people with flight mode and air dashes. AHVBs r very useful as well as constant supports with Blackheart and Commando. Mech-Zangief stops all infinites dead. with all your ahvb's and constant supports you must be infinite proof Posted by F£É§h~Ñ~BoÑè on 10:27:2001 06:09 PM: And who the fuck dashes in and tries to launch with magneto????....doesn't every good mags player know that thats the riskiest thing you could do........he should have told them to watch out for the,throw.....or more importantly the tri-jump....and yeah MIXUP i noticed that too he telling ppl to use the same damn "CHEAP" characters he's trying to's a queer. Posted by Iceman on 10:27:2001 06:33 PM: Wow, he hasn't came back to argue his points. I'll wait til he comes back to comment. Posted by Throwmeister on 10:27:2001 08:55 PM: No throwing either, throws are cheap too..haha Posted by saotomesword on 10:28:2001 12:57 AM: Sheesh! Aren't u guys a bunch of jackasses. This guide was not made to help people like u, but other people who think of the word cheap. I get a bunch of shit from people like u at the arcade i go to because i beat everyone with Cable, Sentinel, and shit like that. I get called cheap and a scrub that has no skills everytime. If u interpreted this thread wrong, then i understand, but still, u guys can kiss my ass. Posted by Voodoo on 10:28:2001 01:01 AM: Rocking someone with an infinite is probably more skillfull then it is cheap. Posted by Xiii on 10:28:2001 01:27 AM: quote: Originally posted by saotomesword Sheesh! Aren't u guys a bunch of jackasses. This guide was not made to help people like u, but other people who think of the word cheap. I get a bunch of shit from people like u at the arcade i go to because i beat everyone with Cable, Sentinel, and shit like that. I get called cheap and a scrub that has no skills everytime. If u interpreted this thread wrong, then i understand, but still, u guys can kiss my ass. You are quite the joker. To think, saying something as easy as "If it was cheap and so skilless, lets see you pull off an infinite" :P Posted by H.A.M.M on 10:28:2001 01:15 AM: hes joking~!! Posted by strider_hien on 10:28:2001 04:24 AM: Personally, i don't think the things he listed are "cheap". Annoying, yes, but not cheap. What i consider cheap is the Gambit Glitch or any gamebreaking glitches. Posted by Lakitu on 10:28:2001 06:59 AM: ok. you obviously know nothing about MvC2. There is so much that is wrong with this thread I don't know where to start. First you start off by defining a "cheap" player as one who uses tactics which don't require skill to win. The very next sentence accuses "cheap" players of using one of the most skillful tactics in the game (infinites). "Power-Team"? rotflmao. your second paragraph discusses the "cheap" chipping tactic. You list characters that a cheap person might use to chip, and leave off the characters that are the best at it, namely spiral, blackheart and doom. Now I'm not sure what you mean by an "aggressive chipper" (strider/doom maybe?) so i'll ignore that one. The irony of the second paragraph is that you suggest using cable and iceman to stop keep away chippers, when both of these characters themselves are keep away chippers (iceman just isn't as good at it). Also iceman may not take chip damage from beam users like cyc and cable, but he DOES take chip damage from most of the other chippers, doom/spiral/bh/storm/etc. Even more ironic is that you suggest using a corner trap to beat a chipping team, when most (if not all) corner traps rely on chip damage. Any corner trap that didn't do a fair amount of chip would be pretty useless since the opponent could just block until time runs out without taking much damage. paragraph 3. again lol. first off i've rarely ever seen this kind of strategy, and when i have seen someone use this strategy, it fails 90% of the time. The other 10% is against scrubs who don't know what they're doing. This strategy just does not work, yet you feel the need to call it "cheap". moving on. paragraph 4. apparently you felt that magneto was so cheap that you devoted an entire section just for him. well i'll just let you know, the magneto players that you're describing are not very good. magneto has better ways of protecting psylocke than dash in ducking fierce. besides that there are much more dangerous assist that magneto can take advantage of. second, magneto doesn’t really need psylocke to set up his most dangerous combos. A throw will do, or a cross over, or ducking roundhouse X hyper grav, etc. p4. servbot? um... ok, in p1 you said chipping teams were "cheap" and then you suggest using the only character who can do nothing except chip. also, how is any character (besides servbot) good at avoiding infinites? especially sentinel who is one big infinite target. The only way to avoid an infinite is to not get hit. on one final note, this has to be the stupidest post i have ever read on SRK. -Lakitu Posted by soup or man on 10:28:2001 07:06 AM: quote: Originally posted by saotomesword Sheesh! Aren't u guys a bunch of jackasses. This guide was not made to help people like u, but other people who think of the word cheap. I get a bunch of shit from people like u at the arcade i go to because i beat everyone with Cable, Sentinel, and shit like that. I get called cheap and a scrub that has no skills everytime. If u interpreted this thread wrong, then i understand, but still, u guys can kiss my ass. If you're looking for people like that, you should come back a year ago. Posted by astro86 on 10:28:2001 12:52 PM: DEAL WITH IT!! Posted by nightmareivy on 10:28:2001 04:01 PM: fecalpenscence (whatever the fuck your name says) and Cpt. America look at both of your avatar's go ahead i'll give you pea brains time.........ok kids what characters do you guys have in common on your avatar's don't think it will take too long. cable and captain commando, you sluts are little chippers and zoning people, you guys are the ones that need to get some skill instead of talking shit. who doesn't play with those people put some effort instead of playing those characters that everyone has mastered. this thread is not a thread its meant for sluts that just keep away and just want to chip. you guys all probably do that so thats why you guys laugh, but thats where people like me come in and kill keep away bitches like all of ya, come on port authority or chinatown fair in nyc and you will see how skills look like. -Erik Posted by VruS on 10:28:2001 04:11 PM: I've haven't used it yet, so let me try... sweet ! =] Posted by sidewinder on 10:28:2001 05:34 PM: Posted by XvE on 10:28:2001 05:57 PM: lol, give that guy a break Posted by REALPLAYER on 10:28:2001 06:06 PM: quote: Originally posted by saotomesword Sheesh! Aren't u guys a bunch of jackasses. This guide was not made to help people like u, but other people who think of the word cheap. I get a bunch of shit from people like u at the arcade i go to because i beat everyone with Cable, Sentinel, and shit like that. I get called cheap and a scrub that has no skills everytime. If u interpreted this thread wrong, then i understand, but still, u guys can kiss my ass. That makes absolutely no sense! You're a hypocrite because you said..... "They do a bunch of stuff that needs no skill to win. Those r the only people that i have faced thus far, and i have constructed a rough guide as to how to deal with them...." and then you turn around and say........ "...I beat everyone with Cable, Sentinel, and....I get called cheap and a scrub that has no skills everytime." I don't get it. Posted by saotomesword on 10:28:2001 06:20 PM: quote: Originally posted by REALPLAYER That makes absolutely no sense! You're a hypocrite because you said..... "They do a bunch of stuff that needs no skill to win. Those r the only people that i have faced thus far, and i have constructed a rough guide as to how to deal with them...." and then you turn around and say........ "...I beat everyone with Cable, Sentinel, and....I get called cheap and a scrub that has no skills everytime." I don't get it. fine, ill explain. A bunch of people that go to my arcade already know this sn, but i type it differently on instant messenger. Most of my friends r people that nag at my style of playing and get in a pissy mood and start swinging. I made this small guide to see if there was any people left that also consider this type of playing "cheap" (excluding the chipping and infinite stuff cuz they're no more fun anymore). If my friends knew that i was technically saying how much crap they give, they'd gang up and pound me. Judging by how none of them saw this thread, i guess this thread is just crap now. Posted by Ouroborus on 10:28:2001 07:28 PM: quote: Originally posted by nightmareivy fecalpenscence (whatever the fuck your name says) and Cpt. America look at both of your avatar's go ahead i'll give you pea brains time.........ok kids what characters do you guys have in common on your avatar's don't think it will take too long. cable and captain commando, you sluts are little chippers and zoning people, you guys are the ones that need to get some skill instead of talking shit. who doesn't play with those people put some effort instead of playing those characters that everyone has mastered. this thread is not a thread its meant for sluts that just keep away and just want to chip. you guys all probably do that so thats why you guys laugh, but thats where people like me come in and kill keep away bitches like all of ya, come on port authority or chinatown fair in nyc and you will see how skills look like. -Erik Man, STFU already, just because you dont know the game, you blame other people. SCRUB! Posted by katraqueyous on 10:28:2001 10:30 PM: man,you guys are really giving this guy a hard time...I do get annoyed about people crying about cheapness,but to write a thread about ppl being cheap and cheap character etc.? it is to the creator of this thread ( I never got to use it) Posted by Naslectronical on 10:28:2001 10:41 PM: I think it's time for the panel of judges to come in again and give a ruling on this topic and its creator. Panel? Posted by Vance on 10:29:2001 12:49 AM: If you're having problems against the "cheap" tactics above, I strongly suggest practicing with the original SFII for the SNES and working your way up back to MvC2. You'll learn the fundamentals needed to handle those tactics. Yes, Cable/Iron Man/War Machine can be stopped (unless the damage settings are set to 4 on your DC and they can use the team super twice to obliterate two of your guys whether you block or not). Posted by mjedi84 on 10:29:2001 03:38 AM: dang, ivy gets excited real quick and talks so much smack... reminds me of a guy i know with ADD... Posted by AzN_Skater on 10:29:2001 05:00 AM: ahhh i remember the good ol days of guile/akuma/iceman. Now was that team ever cheap. Instant AA/cool looking dude/can't be chipped. Unbelieveable. Get some skillz boy, then come back and say your piece. Posted by Iceman on 10:29:2001 05:05 AM: Does anybody else find it funny that nightmareivy is cussing people for playing a zoning style, while his screen name is the only two characters in Soul Calibur who play a zoning style Posted by Roo_Matthew on 10:29:2001 01:53 PM: Dude......I'm gonna break it to you like this.........Your kinda wrong about all those "Cheap" characters being bad. These are the characters that people use to win tournaments with. If you wanna get better in this game gotta stoop to the level of being a whore when you play. What?!?!?!?! Cant do's easy, just try it. I suggest using a low class team first, your probably not advanced enough to use Magneto or Storm yet so.....use IceMan, IronMan-and Psylocke. Do chipping damage. This game is all about either rushing down or Keep Away.....your just still fighting one on one. That will get you nowhere....unless your Wong. ....Dam, I wanna play Wong again. ........Anyways man........use whore characters like nothing, and Magneto isn't all about Hyper Grav Tempest. Good players forgot all about that combo a long time ago. You just gotta learn Posted by nightmareivy on 10:29:2001 07:10 PM: oroborous, you are the scrub, you put that your location is shgl, your probably worst than a no-name dback that got burned, not only do you probably suck, but your a herb for talking shit. -Erik Posted by Adam*Warlock on 10:29:2001 07:21 PM: Is it me or is NightmareIvy always popping up where he's not wanted? Posted by FecalPenance on 10:29:2001 09:54 PM: quote: Originally posted by nightmareivy fecalpenscence (whatever the fuck your name says) and Cpt. America look at both of your avatar's go ahead i'll give you pea brains time.........ok kids what characters do you guys have in common on your avatar's don't think it will take too long. cable and captain commando capt.commando isn't in my avatar, but I understand what you mean anyway, effective characters shouldn't be in avatars, especially the ones that beat you, sorry if my avatar gave you some bad flashbacks from arturo raping you with bh/cable/doom down at ctf... Posted by Dasrik on 10:29:2001 10:35 PM: quote: Originally posted by nightmareivy oroborous, you are the scrub, you put that your location is shgl, your probably worst than a no-name dback that got burned, not only do you probably suck, but your a herb for talking shit. -Erik Haha, this is funny coming from the world's biggest Chinatown Fair dickrider. Posted by Ouroborus on 10:29:2001 11:03 PM: quote: Originally posted by nightmareivy oroborous, you are the scrub, you put that your location is shgl, your probably worst than a no-name dback that got burned, not only do you probably suck, but your a herb for talking shit. -Erik ROTFLMFAO!! This guy is stupider than I thought. Yeah I put my location as SHGL, so what? Dont get what I'm talkin about do you? Posted by saotomesword on 10:29:2001 11:33 PM: That's it, all of u bastards talking shit about this thread even though i've already explained everything just keep pouring in. U guys probably have been playing this game 24 hours a day and get no rest. All of u dumbasses probably only rely on the top-tier characters to battle. If that is the case, then u r already dead. Tell me when i can hook up the dreamcast online and play MvC2 so that i can put all of ur sorry asses to shame. Heck, ill even kick ur asses without using any of the top-tier characters! Lakitu, Naslectronical, and all of u other bastards talking shit about me, ur ass is grass. By the way, nightmareivy, i occaisonally go to the Chinatown Fair at times. I'd like to see ur skills and put it to the test. Posted by AzN_Skater on 10:29:2001 11:40 PM: quote: Originally posted by saotomesword That's it, all of u bastards talking shit about this thread even though i've already explained everything just keep pouring in. U guys probably have been playing this game 24 hours a day and get no rest. All of u dumbasses probably only rely on the top-tier characters to battle. If that is the case, then u r already dead. Tell me when i can hook up the dreamcast online and play MvC2 so that i can put all of ur sorry asses to shame. Heck, ill even kick ur asses without using any of the top-tier characters! Lakitu, Naslectronical, and all of u other bastards talking shit about me, ur ass is grass. By the way, nightmareivy, i occaisonally go to the Chinatown Fair at times. I'd like to see ur skills and put it to the test. ... put us to shame? ROFL! Posted by *Magneto* on 10:29:2001 11:49 PM: hear have a tissue... Scrub... Posted by nightmareivy on 10:30:2001 12:21 AM: you being a dick-head is funnier than anything else, oh shit did you notice that your the only one laughing? i bet you would have noticed that if you had a brain. -Erik Posted by Cpt. America on 10:30:2001 12:33 AM: quote: Originally posted by nightmareivy fecalpenscence (whatever the fuck your name says) and Cpt. America look at both of your avatar's go ahead i'll give you pea brains time.........ok kids what characters do you guys have in common on your avatar's don't think it will take too long. cable and captain commando, you sluts are little chippers and zoning people, you guys are the ones that need to get some skill instead of talking shit. who doesn't play with those people put some effort instead of playing those characters that everyone has mastered. this thread is not a thread its meant for sluts that just keep away and just want to chip. you guys all probably do that so thats why you guys laugh, but thats where people like me come in and kill keep away bitches like all of ya, come on port authority or chinatown fair in nyc and you will see how skills look like. -Erik Cable is not the only character that I play in the whole game. My Commando is not just an assist I actually use him and play him more then cable. And the avatar is not my only team so you can suck my balls, I'm not a scrub. Amd besides just cuz you play in NY does not mean your good or anything. I never heard of you b4. Maybe you are the scrub. Posted by Cpt. America on 10:30:2001 12:35 AM: quote: Originally posted by Ouroborus ROTFLMFAO!! This guy is stupider than I thought. Yeah I put my location as SHGL, so what? Dont get what I'm talkin about do you? LOL Posted by Adam*Warlock on 10:30:2001 12:53 AM: quote: Originally posted by nightmareivy you being a dick-head is funnier than anything else, oh shit did you notice that your the only one laughing? i bet you would have noticed that if you had a brain. -Erik LMAO at you, you poor scrub. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Posted by Throwmeister on 10:30:2001 01:01 AM: Since when is CapCom a bad character to use? Nice rule of thumb: if you bitch about a strat then you = scrub. Posted by DJ Masamune on 10:31:2001 04:10 AM: Yeah you tell those fuckers nightmareivy, shitty ass keepaway dicks like cpt. america over there who think that skilz come from constantly hitting one mother fucking button over and over. So the dude posted up a thread that no one cares about, the dude is just trying to make it in the game. So like yeah if any of you cock suckers think that you gotz skilz then come on over to NYC and we'll beat your pussy keep away punk asses to the ground!!! <^>~.^<^> FUCK YA'LL!!!!!!! Posted by Warlock on 10:31:2001 06:16 AM: for the guy who originally posted this thread... don't whine and complain cause you don't win, and dont bitch about the way people play, just play your own way, your own style, and develop it. Keep playing, just take your licks, don't complain, we've all taken ours, well most of us. Posted by psx2000 on 10:31:2001 07:00 AM: NO SUCH THING AS CHEAP, THERE IS ABUSIVE BUT NOT CHEAP. THREAD IS CLOSED I DONT WANT TO SEE ANYMORE LIKE THIS. 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